We do our utmost to ensure that you understand the cost of your treatment and are happy with the outcome
Pre-treatment Fees:
Consultation £ 110
Restorability assessment (if required) £ 475
Root canal treatment (including composite core):
Incisor/ canine/premolar £ 990
Molar £1095
Root canal retreatment (including composite core)
Incisor/canine/premolar £1090
Molar £1195
Endodontic microsurgery from £1400
Internal bleaching £ 500
Crown Removal £150
Removal of fractured instruments POA
Repair of perforation POA
Removal of a post from £150
Temporary treatments
Temporary crown £180
Post Placement from £150
We accept payments by Cash, Cheque (with cheque card), American Express, Delta, Mastercard, Switch and VIsa.